Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

The effect of concentrate feeding amount and feeding strategy on milk production, dry matter intake, and energy partioning of autumn-calving Holstein-Friesian cows. J. Dairy Sci. 98: 338-348

The tittle: The effect of concentrate feeding amount and feeding strategy on milk production, dry matter intake, and energy partioning of autumn-calving Holstein-Friesian cows. J. Dairy Sci. 98: 338-348. Author: D. C. Lawrance, M. O’Donovan, T. M. Boland, E. Lewis, and E. Kennedy

Introduction: Dairy cattle usually needed forage, to synthesize acetate in reticulorumen for making up Milk fatty acid. However, for special case such as the cattle has high milk production instead was fed high input concentrate, this purpose is energy sufficient to synthesize milk. To increase milk profitability of milk production, the management of feed input should be closely examined, particulary concentrate feed input. Finally, this objective of study/experiment was to examine effect amount and strategy feeding on feed intake, milk yield, and milk production.

Material and methods: Amount cattle in this experiment 108 Head (year I: 60 head; year II 48 head) was conducted Oct-Jan 2012; 2013. In this experiment, were blocked based on calving date, parity, milk yield, milk fat, milk protein, milk lactose, body weight, body condition skors. Experimental design was randomized block desing with a 2x2 factorial, 2 treatment of amount feed (Hi feed and Lo feed), and then 2 treatment of strategy feeding (flat rate and group fed yield). Group treatment was 4 group (Hi Flat rate; Hi Group fed yield; Lo Flat rate; Lo Group fed yield). Animal measurement was analyzed dry matter intake, milk yield & composition, BW&BCS, and blood metabolites (This is case because the cattle usually are prone metabolic disease during period feeding high concentrate).

-          Strategy feeding had no significant on milk production, dry matter intake, and energy partioning

-          Amount feeding had a significant effect, increase amount feeding concentrate did affect to increase TDMI, energy intake, milk production, and decrease BCS loses.