Sabtu, 04 April 2015

Immune system

Immune system has important role in health cattle. For this session, I wanna discuss about immune system. Immune system was divided two types: Innate immune system and adaptive immune system. Innate immune system is the first line of defense again micoorganisme pathogen, and essentiak for control bacterial infections. For this function, neutrophyl and macrophage will recognize and destroy pathogen miroorganisme. Macrophage will send signal to adaptive immune system, this signal has function for remembering (as memory). Adaptive immune system is the second times of defense. It was divided two group, was Humoral (B. Cell) and Cell mediated (T. Cell).
Activated macrophage secrete cytokines, which are defined as protein released by cell that affect the behavior of other cell that bear receptor them. They are also release protein known as chemokines. Effect of cytokines in blood vassel will be seen from inflamation. inflamation is heat, pain. redness, and swelling, all of which reflect the effect of cytokines.

Heat strees can increase endotoximia, this is associating with immune system. Heat stress on mice (female mouse) can decrease pregnancy rate, and increase inflamation. Using blood as form Spray Dried Plasma on feeding can decrease inflamation, was showed that Interferon and Tumor Necrosis have lower level than control (without Spray Dried Plasma).

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