Jumat, 05 April 2013

Silage: Lactic Acids Fermentation

Forage fodder has a very important meaning to the lives of ruminants. the availability of Forage is strongly influenced by seasonal factors. The dry season that struck the country of Indonesia became the main factor that causes stockpile the feed of forage crop for ruminants is limited, plant growth is disturbed, quantity and quality of the forage decreases, in some area forage plants cease to grow or oven die. Animal performance in dry season is poor because quality of forage is poor too. At rain fall season the forage have high production. For availability forage during the year, needed technology of stroge and preservation forage with nutrition of quality almost same. Silage one of technology have purpose for preservation forage, till amount forage as sources of fiber feed is sufficient.
Fermentation Lactic acids at Silage
The Fermentation can increase availability of nutrient such as protein , energy, with process break down complex component into simple component (Kompiang et al. 1994). Fermentation is the process biological for convertion complex structure thus be simple structure, till the digestibility of livestock more efficient (Hanafi, 2008). Silage is Feed of forage preservation with anaerobic fermentation process, have moisture 40-70%. Result of silage can be stored without break down nutrition essential in containing of forage.
Stefani et al. (2010), The ensiling process can be divided into 4 stage: aerobic phase, fermentation phase, stable phase, and feed out phase or aerobic spoilage phase.to avoid failures, it is important to control and optimize each phase of the ensiling process. In aerobic phase, good silo filling tehniques will help to minimize the amount of oxygen present between the plant particles in the silo. Good harvesting techniques combined with good silo filling tehniques will thus minimize water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) losses through aerobic respiration in the field and in the silo, and in turn will leave more WSC available for lactic acid fermentation in fermentation phase.

The quality of silage depends on the speed of fermentation process resulting lactic acid till depresses pH to approximately 4, at wich point baterial pathogens growth is inhibited. Using additive silage often used to supporting enhancement accumulation lactic acid at ensiling. Various of additive silage can be devided 2 group: fermentation stimulant and fermentation inhibitor.
Factor affecting of lactic acids productions: amount inoculum, time of incubation, amount substrat, type of plant and treatment before ensiling. Amount inoculum, adding lactic acids bacteria to ensiling Pennicetum purphoides can be improve quality silage with shown decrease pH and concentration N-NH3  significantly, and increase lactic acids from Fleigh value significantly than control.   Antaribaba et al. (2009), adding lactic acids with doses 3% (v/b) resulting silage quality more better than 2 and 4 % (v/b). 
The Production of lactic acids which yielded with addition lactic acid inoculums more better than without addition inoculums. R0 (without inoculums), R1 (inoculums 2%), R2 (inoculums 3%), R3 (inoculums 4%). Concentration of VFA composing  acetic, propionic, butyric acid  representative of it isn’t efficiency fermentation or secunder fermentation.
            Amount lactic acid bacteria at early time of incubation as importance factor can be determine for resulting quality of silage (Santoso et al.,2008). Population of lactic acid bacteria must be measured for efficiency fermentation, till many of research have purpose to looking for doses adding lactic acid in ensiling. Native population lactic acid there are forage, but various quantity.  Concept of adding lactic acid bacteria to improve growth of lactic acid homofermentation can be producing lactic acid for decrease pH. Basic charactersitic of inoculums lactic acid for using in ensiling are can be adaptation in substrat with high moisture, can be adaptation temperature of environment, tolerant with acids condition, producing bacteriocyn, and have role as probiotic.
Time of incubation. Period of fermentation is one of importance factor to establish the time of feed out from silo. Thalib et al. (2000), using inoculums from buffalo rumens, quality of straw silage at anaerobic condition during 2 week have criteria as good silage
Amount of substrat. Ensiling is fermentation of glucose for converting to lactic acid, in there process have needed glucose as substrat (Water soluble carbohydrate). Minimum amount of water soluble carbohydrate to supporting fermentation process worked is approximately 3-4% Dry Matter. Species of tropical forage have low content of WSC until for reaching WSC becoming is very suggested. 

Literature cited 
Antaribaba, M. A., N. K. Tero, B. T. Hariadi, dan B. Santoso. 2009. Pengaruh taraf inokulum bakteri asam laktat dari ekstrak rumput terfermentasi terhadap kualitas fermentasi silase rumput raja. JITV Vol 14(4):278-283.
Hanafi, N.D. 2008. Teknologi Pengawetan Pakan Ternak. Departemen Peternakan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Medan.
Kompiang, L.P., J. Dharma, T. Purwadaria, A. Sinurat, dan Supriyati. 1994. Protein enrichment: Study cassava enrichment melalui bioproses biologi untuk ternak monogastrik. Kumpulan Hasil-Hasil Penelitian APBN Tahun Anggaran 1993/1994. Balai Penelitian Ternak. Ciawi, Bogor.  
Santoso, B., B. T. Hariadi, H. Manik, dan H. Abubakar. 2008. Kualitas rumput unggul tropika hasil ensilase dengan bakteri asam laktat dari ekstrak rumput terfermentasi. Media peternakan Vol 32(2):137-144. 
Stefani, J. W. H., F. Driehuis, J. C. Gottschal, and S. F. Spoelstra.  2010. Silage fermentation processes and their manipulation: 6-33. Electronic conference on tropical silage. Food Agriculture Organization. 
Thalib, A., J. Bestary., Y.widyawati, dan D. Suherman. 2000. Pengaruh perlakuan silase jerami padi dengan mikrobia rumen kerbau terhadap daya cerna dan ekosistem rumen sapi. JITTV Vol 5(1): 276-281

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